Winter Martinez
Supervisory U.S. Probation Officer
U.S. Probation, District of Arizona
San Ildefonso Pueblo
Winter D. Martinez is a Supervisory United States Probation Officer in the District of Arizona.
Winter’s professional career spans over 18 years and includes working with juveniles and adults
at the county and federal levels. Winter worked as a pre-sentence investigation officer in the
District of Arizona, which involved preparing in-depth investigation reports for Federal Court
judges for sentencing purposes. Winter also worked as a field supervision officer assigned to
the Tohono O’odham Nation (TON) for five years before she was appointed as a supervisor.
Winter currently supervises a hybrid field supervision unit that covers the entire TON, the
southern part of Gila River Indian Community, Tucson Metro, and other outlying areas of rural
southern Arizona. In addition to her field supervision supervisory duties, Winter manages the
location monitoring unit serving all of southern Arizona and Yuma.
Winter serves as an expert on Indian Country matters and currently serves as a member of the
Tribal Issues Advisory Group for the United States Sentencing Commission. Winter holds a
master’s degree in criminal justice (leadership focus) from the University of Oklahoma. She
earned her bachelor’s degree in criminal justice (emphasis in Law Enforcement) with a minor in
sociology from East Central University in Ada, Oklahoma. Winter is an Oklahoma native,
representing the Kickapoo and Absentee Shawnee Tribe(s) of Oklahoma (maternal). Winter is
an enrolled member of San Ildefonso Pueblo (paternal).